Cambridge-Thomas recording calorimeter with fluid data readout unit and accessories. made by Cambridge Scientific Instruments Limited ?; C. Thomas Cambridge-Thomas recording calorimeter 1972
Dummy model of the Cambridge 'Stereoscan 600' scanning electron microscope by Cambridge Scientific Instruments Ltd. Cambridge 'Stereoscan 600' Electron Microscope, 1978-1980 1971-1974
Two tubes of electrode jelly for use with electrocardiograph machine, by Cambridge Scientific Instruments Ltd., 1950-1970 Electrode jelly for use with an electrocardiograph machine 1950-1970
Leads, cables and plug for use with electrocardiograph, 1934-1950 Leads, cables and plug for use with electrocardiograph 1934-1950
Resistor for use with electrocardiograph machine, 1934 Resistor for use with electrocardiograph machine 1934
Portable electrocardiograph machine, all-mains model, by the Cambridge Instrument Co. Ltd., 1934 Portable electrocardiograph machine 1934-1950
"Geoscan" scanning electron probe microanalyser, manufactured by the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, Cambridge, England. "Geoscan" scanning electron probe microanalyser
Stereoscan 600 scanning electron microscope made by Cambridge Scientific Instruments Ltd., Type 81111, Serial No. 1082, with side unit for photographic recording, attachment for photographing screen, four seperate units labelled Scan Rotation, Dynamic Focus, Video Processor and Quad Summing Amplifier, two rotary pumps, and box containing small accessories Stereoscan 600 scanning electron microscope made by Cambridge Scientific Instruments Ltd. 1975-1984